A Lead Competition

During the 50th Annual Bondage tournament held at in an undisclosed forest, poor Katie has found herself caught by Melissa because of her carelessness. The competition finds its participants going through a different area each year with all the toys they could want. People come from all over the world to take part. The only stipulation is if you're caught, you're tied up and fucked, whether you've you got a penis or a vagina or both. The competition's champion gets to keep those they capture for a week after the game's over to do with as they please. Melissa caught Katie and strung her up with cuffs on a tree and is proceeding to give her the fuck of life. All Katie can do is moan through her gag as Melissa takes orgasm after orgasm from her. This isn't either of their first competitions, but Katie usually had the drop on Melissa, so Melissa is going to take full advantage of her friend's unfortunate state. Of course, Melissa is too focused on driving her dildo home into Katie to notice Mark sneaking behind her. Soon both Katie and Melissa will find themselves Mark's playthings as he takes them both in every single one of their holes. The 50th annual bondage competition leaves all three spent, but only Katie and Melissa are left tied up.

Story by Shomas
Artwork by Altercomics - Churin

High resolution (7532x5432)

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