Catching a Robin

In this alternate variation of the Bane episode, the villainess Candice has jumped into the water to duel Nightwing. She manages to get the better of him and keeps his head submerged just long enough for him to lose conscious. Victorious, she hoists him out of the water and quickly dries herself. Her dress is soaked but there's hardly a scratch on it. Turning her attention to her prize, she secures him by removing the rest of his clothing and creating makeshift bondage from his trousers and pants. Carefully, she removes his mask, exposing his secret identity. Pleased with herself, she then rolls him over, leaving him face down, butt naked, and tied up. With her high heels strapped tightly to her feet, she stands triumphantly stands over him, his mask in one hand, just waiting to see his reaction when he eventually wakes up.

Story by Groxy69
Artwork by Emmanuel Xerx Javier

High resolution (4125x6263)

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