Counter Interrogation Training

Mei Ling was in the radio room. Her equipment was a Quad Core Laptop, a Satellite Radio with 1024 bit encryption, and equipped with a Walter P99 strapped to her thigh. Since this was a mission with Philanthropy, she was still in her work clothes at the Army's Soldier System Center which was a lavender pencil miniskirt revealing her shapely legs and well formed ass with a matching sports jacket, a white blouse, and black silk tie.

A knock came from outside the room. It was Meryl Silverburgh, a former FOXHOUND recruit She was in her usual. A black tank top along with camouflage pants, and combat boots. Her dog tags hanging inserting into her cleavage.

Mei Ling turned around and asked: “What's up, Meryl?”

“Not much. Snake's on mission with Hal. Do you want to do some training?”

“Sure, As the Chinese say : “ Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” It means leaning one thing can last a lifetime” she chirped.

“Meet me in the armory in half an hour” Meryl she said with a devious smile.

The two girls were now at the armory which was a closet with an M4 Carbine, PSG1 Sniper Rifle, M9 tranquilizer pistol, and a USP .45. Mei Ling was standing to the back of the rack while Meryl had bag of twisty ties, and some handcuffs.

'First, give me your gun.'

Mei Ling handed over her 9mm as Meryl turned on the safety and tossed in the back.

“Stand here, we're going to do some resistance training. You're a civie, and god knows what know what they'll to you. “ Meryl said happily.

“Right, now you gonna be in the hot-seat. Go and raise your arms.”

“OK” Mei replied.

Mei reluctantly raised her arms as Meryl cuffed both her arms to the gun rack. She then un-knotted the data analysts silk tie.

“What are you doing?”

“Just showing you how sense deprivation is used as a means of breaking the captor.” she jokingly said with a chuckle.

Meryl then blindfolded Mei as she struggled to free herself. The chains on the wrangled around the weapons rack. Meryl then rubbed Mei Ling's supple and bare thighs.

“Well I do play it both ways. I've had this done to me before.” Meryl quietly whispered into Meryl's left ear.

Meryl the pinned her body on the Mei Ling and passionately kissed her on her right cheek. The data analyst's cheeks turned her embarrassed at the fact she was enjoying it. Being a 19 year old wunderkind working on high tech radar equipment made you forget about the simple things in life. Her arms became loose as she became more subservient to Silverburgh's motions.

“ As Albert Eiens--” Ling stopped as Meryl put her pinky to her mouth and went shhh to silence her.

“I know you love quotes, but some things--” Meryl said as she began to unbutton the girl's blouse

'Somethings need to be...experienced.'

Meryl then unbuttoned Mei Ling's blouse with great care and tugged down to Mei Ling's pale stomach. Meryl then licked her belly and pushed up far enough to expose the Chinese girl's lacy white bra.

Mei Ling felt exposed, and let out a loud moan. The Former FOXHOUND member then took of Ling's bra straps to reveal her perky B sized breasts and began to grab her breasts. Her nipples started to erect as she let out an even louder moan.

If this was a real interrogation she basically surrendered herself to the mercy of her captor.

Story by tabrisdark
Artwork by Sedna - LWJ

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