Disarm Trap Crit Fail

It's a well known concept that you never split the party, but sometimes it can't be avoided: like when your Monk friend is caught in a chain trap and dropped down a chute deeper into the dungeon. And the Thief can't be in every group, so not everyone has access to a dedicated trap disarmer even when you find her. And you can't just leave the Monk helpless and stranded, even without a Paladin's honour code. You're dating, for goodness sake! And, well, sometimes, you just get a little unlucky trying to disentangle the situation.

That's how, the moment your hand touched the chains binding your partner, they suddenly sprang to life and started wrapping around you, growing in length to bind you together. It even went the extra mile to make you share the same gag. The only thing left to do now is hope that it's the rest of your party that finds you first, and not whatever beasties roam the halls of the dungeon... or the slavers who set this trap in the first place.

Story by Hoshino
Artwork by Wanted Waifus - Melv

High resolution (3000x4500)

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