'Nothing, we lost them. C'mon Robin, hurry.'
A light flickers on. Daylight, already shining through a port-side window, is now accompanied by a few lamps, illuminating a fairly mundane cabin room. Two women hurriedly walk in from the doorway, seeking refuge from the raucous noises littering the ship's main deck.
'Goodness, those boys can be a bit rowdy... I'm happy they hadn't already ransacked your room, Nami.'
'Robin, you know damn well if they had set one foot inside this room, they'd all be dead. They know that, too.'
A clenched fist and a flex of a bicep reinforced the point made.
'Fufufu... Sometimes I wonder if they do...'
One of the women, dark-haired, fair skinned, and moderately tall, moved towards the hammocks on the right side of the room. Examining the lower of two beds, she sits gently on its interior as if on a swing. The woman, Nico Robin, the archaeologist of the infamous Straw Hat crew, was now eyeing the other, orange-haired woman as she made her way to a desk on the opposite side. Nami, as she was known, sat down at her desk, clearing off the assortment of maps, pencils, rulers, and other equipment. She was the ships navigator, and on the off chance any of the other idiots upstairs was going to barge in, the last thing she'd want was for any her priceless, hand-drawn maps to get damaged or destroyed. After finishing her task, she sighed heavily before leaning back and exasperatedly looking at Robin...
'What is it with them and playing tag, or hide and seek, or whatever the hell else they're doing up there? What are they, five?'
'They certainly have a lot of enthusiasm.'
Another sigh was elicited from Nami's mouth, a palm reaching for her forehead as she looked towards the ceiling.
'At least the two of us are the mature ones around this place. Someone's got to be.'
In the hammock, the dark-haired woman let silence creep back into the room for a moment, but she did not do so idly. Robin studied her good friend carefully, watching as she saw anxiety walk it's way over Nami's face. She, herself, was fairly exhausted as well, and in times like this, filled with unwanted stress, the raven-haired beauty would usually find other, more mature ways to relax in her own room. Though the thought indeed ricocheted through her mind all afternoon, another, more intriguing possibility implanted itself in her consciousness. The thought first came after an unexpected, unannounced visit to Nami's room, where Robin found out she wasn't the only one who preferred a different sort of playtime.
Perhaps now is the time to ask.
'Maturity... I'm glad you brought that up.'
Initially confused, Nami could only respond with a small...
Nami's gaze returned to Robin, and instead of the standard, bemused expression that had graced the archaeologist's lips a few moments ago, a new, more devious visage had taken its place. The raven-haired woman's eyes were almost leering, accompanied by a sly smile as she leaned forward, her chin sitting delicately on her upward facing palm.
Let's give it a shot.
In a calm and almost seductive tone of voice, Robin explained...
'I've been meaning to talk to you regarding something I've been... into my whole life. I hesitated to discuss this with you considering how often we're tied up in our relatively hectic day-to-day activities... but I figure now would be as good a time as any to... bring it up with you.'
The orange-haired woman eyed her accomplice suspiciously, trying to get a read on where she was going with this line of thought.
'What do you mean?'
'As you might imagine, someone in my line of work, hunted by the World Government my entire life, has encountered multiple bounty hunters and villainous sorts, and some of them were indeed partially successful in capturing me. I eventually escaped of course, but even in my youth there was some part of the experience I secretly liked... It was a common thread in every capture... I'm sure you know what I'm referring to... But I wouldn't mind being more explicit, either...'
Nami froze, unsure of what to think. She had been in similar situations many times as a cat burglar in her youth, abducted by unsavory creatures and lewd men... In this case, she knew exactly was Robin was referring to.
Her eyes glazed over, her mind wandering back to some of those experiences, some of those captures... She faded in and out of consciousness as her own thoughts melded with Robin's words...
The feel of ropes on skin...
'...tight on your body...'
...pinning your arms behind your back...
'...legs locked together, maybe even forced open...'
...a gag worked over your mouth...
'...reducing speech to muffled moans...' matter what you do...
' matter what you try...' word comes to mind...
Startled all of a sudden by a thud from up above, Nami jumped slightly, coming back to reality a bit. Silence once again returned to the room, as she came slowly realized that she was the one who finished the sentence. Her right hand moved to her lips in a semi-state of disbelief. The voluptuous orange-ette was sweating slightly, her heart racing, nipples hardening... undoubtedly turned on by her own wild and rampant imagination.
Robin, initially surprised by her friend's acceptance, then vindicated, resumed her knowing smile, and subsequently asked:
'You've experienced it, too?'
Nami gulped, nodded, and responded.
She already knows.
'A hundred times, maybe more.'
'Have you ever done it to yourself?'
Nami gulped again, before answering...
Once again, silence was restored, as both minds raced to process the admissions volunteered between them. After a minute, Nami jumped up and ran to her own closet, and after some fierce rummaging in the furthest corners of the storage unit, she pulled out a small duffel bag. She emptied its contents onto the floor - yards and yards of black rope, some silver duct tape, a large ball-gag, a blindfold, a couple of clamps, and some shackles fell to the ground, making an assortment of clattering noises. She looked back up to find Robin, but she had moved from her seat in the hammock. A locking sound echoed in the room, emanating from the door to Nami's left. Alarmed, she looked in that direction, but was quickly subdued by two of Robin's blossomed hands, pinning her arms behind her back while the archaeologist moved forward, raising her own right hand to bring Nami's face upwards so that she could look deep into her light brown eyes. Nami returned the lustful gaze with one of her own, as their puffy and slightly puckered lips parted and moved closer and closer together, their warm breath glancing each other's faces like a soft, summer breeze. Nami broke the silence first:
'The boys are having a lot of fun upstairs. Should have some playtime of our own?'
Another of Robin's blossomed hands came into view right next to the woman face, capturing Nami's attention for a moment. It was holding a long coil of rope, moving the eventual entrapment closer to the navigator's already semi-restrained body. A smile glazed over her lips, as she returned her eyesight towards the archaeologist's own brown eyes. A knowing glance complemented Robin's response:
'I believe we should. Maybe it's time we show each other a little restraint.'
A few minutes later, two beautifully bound figures sat, locked behind a web of ropes, cuddling together, moaning softly and quietly through perfectly gagged mouths and struggling ever-so-slightly against their restraints. Every curve was accentuated, every sensation enhanced, every movement limited. Here, in this bondage, there was asylum, away from the mess of the world above, away from the obnoxious noises of their crew-mates... they had finally found peace together...
Tags: self bondage, anime
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Story by aman217 |
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Artwork by Joseph Caesar S.D. |
High resolution (2200x3400)