Isabelle suddenly vanished in a puff of smoke. Before she could realize what was happening, her dear pet, Eris, was also gone, left with just a cloud of white smoke lingering in the air next to her.
And then... Eris appeared again. Only... different. Very different from the Eris that Isabelle knew and loved to play with. This one was... colder. More stern. More... imposing.
Forte let herself feel a twinge of fear, realizing that she was both under attack and that her armor and weapons were stashed away on the other side of her fortress. Still, she shifted into a commanding stance of her own (despite her half-naked state), refusing to be intimidated by this fake Eris.
"You're not Eris. Who are you? A dragon doesn't take kindly to thieves invading their hoard," Forte said with a snarl.
"I am more the true Eris than that simpering plaything of your's," the new Eris answered, her tone cold, flat, but imposing. She carried a certain power... an air that actually caused Forte to flinch.
The dragoon could feel the world shake a bit as Eris tapped her staff on the stone floor. Suddenly, chains coiled around Isabelle's wrists. Before she could shake them off, her arms were yanked sharply over her head, causing her to cry out in pain and alarm. She thrashed and pulled, her body twisting and her feet slipping off the ground as she tried to pull herself free. She looked up with a glare as "Eris" approached her, before choking as the tip of priestess's staff was firmly pressed against her neck and around the collar of her corset. She could feel the straps coming loose. The corset fell around her, leaving her upper body exposed. Meanwhile, the collar grew and stiffened until Forte could no longer turn or tilt her head, forcing her to look directly into Eris's cold, yet bright teal eyes.
"Foul witch, I'll show you what it means to insult the ruler of purgat--ohck!"
Forte choked as Eris shoved the tip of her staff against her opened mouth, materializing a large red ball-gag between her lips and strapped around her head. She chewed down on the firm rubber, huffing and shouting, already starting to drool on herself.
"Those who have been embraced by Nexus are to await the time when she returns all to sweet oblivion," the teal-eyed Eris explained as she continued to poke and prod at Forte with her staff, leaving further bindings on her body as she went. "They are given the chance to await oblivion in sweet serenity... though some choose to abuse that privilege. Before, I allowed you to have your fun. It was cathartic, at first, watching you torment that weaker, pathetic part of me. However, it has grown tiresome and insulting to watch you lord over even a facsimile of me."
Stepping back from Forte, Eris twirled and waved her staff in the air, mystic runes appearing and disappearing around her, as words Forte had never heard nor could understand came from her lips. A bright white portal spread on the floor between the two of them... and what Forte could only describe as a black winged angel rose from the nether, standing before her with wicked intent in her eyes.
"Those in this world are blissfully unaware of when the time comes for all to return to nothing," Eris explained. "You, however, will grow to beg for its sweet release. Olivia," she decreed, looking to the angel, "you may begin."
Olivia smirked, raising a coiled whip to Forte's face, pressing its handle underneath her chin. "A new world is your fate," she teased in a cool, low voice. She stepped around and behind Forte, letting her prisoner shudder and grumble into her gag a bit. A few tense seconds later, and she was cracking the whip against Forte's back. "A world of absolute pain!"
Forte's eyes went saucer wide. Her body jumped, chains around her wrists and ankles rattling. "HMMMPH!"
With a mocking laugh, Olivia continued to whip at Forte ceaselessly, barely giving the dragoon a second between strikes to recover. Forte continued to scream and cry out. For what felt like hours, Olivia continued to beat and strike at Forte, laughing at and demeaning her as she did, all while the mysterious new Eris simply, and impassively, watched with her steely, teal blue eyes.
It was all too much. Before Forte passed out from the pain, through eyes bleary with tears and lack of focus, her body twisted to allow her to look towards her throne. She could see someone hiding behind it. She could see...
Eris. Another Eris. Her Eris. She could tell from the very aura around her... a fragile, tender one, and one that was as heartbroken as her face. She could see that this Eris, unlike her tormentors, couldn't bear to watch.
Finally, confused and in agony, Forte blacked out.
Tags: bdsm, bondage, f/f, ball gag, chain bondage, monster girl, damsel in distress, peril, magic, card games
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Story by Hoshino |
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Artwork by Sedna - QWZ |
High resolution (2480x3507)