What Friends Are For

'Seriously, Ellie? Seriously?' Ksenia Daina shook her head.'Only you would think this was a good idea...'

'I just think it'll cheer him up!' Ellie Hirsch smiled as she removed her cape and draped it over one of the overstuffed chairs the room boasted. 'He's getting out with a clean bill of health, and-'

'And since that time I walked in on you guys, you know your sex life doesn't shock me.' Ksenia sighed. 'You do know it could be HOURS before he gets here, right? All that paperwork...'

Ellie shrugged. 'I just believe in being ready...'

'Fine. What the hell am I supposed to do, work out some insane shibari rig?'

'Nothing that complicated! Just tie my wrists behind my back, and then slip in that ballgag over there in the nightstand...'

'...' Ksenia picked up the length of silk rope her friend had laid on the bed. 'You're lucky I like both of you.'

'Aw, K, you're a peach!' Ellie got onto the bed and crossed her wrists behind her back.

'A peach. Right.' Shaking her head, Ksenia got to work. 'You know I'm no girl scout, right? This knot's not going to be anything fancy...'

'Just so it holds, fancy doesn't matter...'

Ksenia sighed and got to work. 'There.That going to work for you?'

Ellie gave it an experimental tug, then grinned. 'Yep! Now for the gag...'

'It's not... you guys do CLEAN these things, right?'

'Of course!'

'Of course.' Rollling her eyes, Ksenia fitted the rubber ball into her friend's mouth and buckled it behind her head. 'Should I lock the door so no one else just wanders in?'

Ellie nodded.

'Right. Well. Uhm... have a... good time?'

Ellie tipped her friend a wink as she ducked out of the room, locking the door behind her.

Story by erebus7
Artwork by Sedna - Dai

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